The Best Bake Sale Ever
Hey Friends,
Our teens are having a Bakesale after our Sunday worship to help with the transportation and conference costs for their Blizzard Winter Retreat in February. Take a sample bag of their baking and leave a donation. Our church does not use credit/debit terminals so it's cash only please.
We are running a Pre-marriage course for couples who have asked (or are thinking about asking) the question.
This is a 6 session course. Five sessions cover the key topics that are essential to sustaining a life-long marriage. The final session is a conversation with a support couple about the couples survey that each partner does on their own (online). This course will be run over Zoom and you will not be put on the spot to answer any personal questions in front of others. Each session is meant to provide basic teaching that you as a couple then have a conversation about on your own. If this is of interest to you, please email me and we can work out the best time for all couples who want to join.
The Pre-Marriage Course
The Pre-Marriage Course is an opportunity for you to invest in your relationship through five in person or online date nights created to help you to learn to communicate well, understand and appreciate your differences, and prepare for potential challenges.
Major events for February:
Feb. 7-9 Youth "Blizzard" Winter Retreat, Muskoka Woods
Feb. 9 Superbowl Dinner & Watch Party (an annual event at TCBC), TCBC Church Basement
Feb. 17 Family Day Skating from 4pm to 6pm, 50 Carleton St. (Mattamy Athletic Centre Home Ice)
Feb. 17 Free Dinner and Mission sharing (after skating) at Community room (near Mattamay AC)
Feb. 23 Church Members Annual Meeting
We will continue our reading through the Sermon on the Mount. This Sunday we will be looking at Jesus' teaching on being Salt and Light in the World.
Rev. Nolan