It’s February!

Hello English Congregation,

I hope everyone had a good first month of 2025. We kept things quiet as a congregation. You will find February more active. Keep up to date using our EM quick sheet:

We are making a change in communion procedure. For those attending in-person, we are using glass cups filled with juice from a bottle. Those on-line, please prepare your elements and be prepared for a longer time for prayer and reflection during communion.

Reason for the change: I found the pre-packaged way we've been doing communion too sterile. The prepackaged elements were a nuisance to open sometimes and they are one-use plastic and foil. Time for a change.

Participants will come to the front table, receive the cup and piece of bread, and then take their elements back to their seat. We will wait until everyone is served. Then we will have a prayer of thanksgiving before take the elements in whatever order you choose.

No procedure is perfect. My hope is that as a congregation we will take time to reflect, pray and encounter the Lord through coming to the table.

In Christ,

Rev. Nolan


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