Family Day Free Skate and Fellowship Dinner

Hello Friends,

Sunday’s Superbowl game was not much of a game unless you were an Eagles fan. Then you had much to cheer about and to let your friends know why they are the best team in the NFL. The evening for me was saved by the good company, great food and the chance to relax and not think about…all the things we usually think about on a Sunday night. That more than made up for the disappointing show from the Red Team. If you are interested in some of the Christian players reactions, I invite you to read the article from Sports Spectrum

If you like Sports, this can be a great website to visit for Daily Devotionals, Inspirational Stories and great podcasts of why so many see athletics as a gift that glorifies God.

For the Skaters and for those interested in our Joint Fellowship dinner please use this link to sign up:

Family Day Skate and/or Fellowship Dinner Registration

Note: If you want to come to just the skating, simply choose “0” for attending the fellowship dinner.

If you want to come to just the dinner, simply ignore all the questions about the skating, go right to the last question and click on the number attending

For skating: it’s mandatory for everyone to acknowledge and assume the personal risks for going onto the ice. Registration will be checked and if you do not register beforehand, you will be asked to register by paper or by using on-line form before going onto the ice. To make it easier register beforehand if you plan to come.

This Sunday we have Dr. Jean Lee (PhD.), Principal and Professor at the Canadian Chinese School of Theology presenting a message of “Be Shrewd and Innocent” . She will be preaching from Luke 16:1-13. If you want some idea of what she brings with her as a teacher of Workplace Ministry please have a look at the Theology of Work website—scroll down to Chinese Board members.

Fun fact: she was a minister at the same church that gave us Rev. Jason! We are privileged to have her come to speak to us at TCBC.

Looking forward to a great Family Day Weekend.


Rev. Nolan Lee


Devoting Ourselves To Prayer And Sharing The Good News


It’s February!