Christmas at TCBC
Hello Friends,
Every year our last Sunday leading into Christmas is a special time for our community. Friends and family return home. School is out and work winds down enough for us to focus on the message of Jesus’ birth. We worship together, focusing on the gift of Jesus and marvel at how God has blessed us with wonderful people in our church.
This past Sunday however took special to another level. We had a combined worship service with our enthusiastic Mandarin congregation. There was a baby dedication, baptism of 11 new members, our morning choir presented the Christmas anthem, and we put it all together in celebrating Jesus.
Our Christmas Eve service will feature our joint Choir presenting “Go Tell it”. It’s a joyful reminder of the message of salvation in Christ. Service will be a time when we sing traditional Christmas carols and hear a Christmas message. Service on Dec. 24 starts at 7:00pm.
Hope to see and greet as many of you as I can. I appreciate you all and hope you are filled to overflowing with God’s love in the week ahead.
Rev. Nolan