September 9 – Leading into Autumn
For many of us, the start of September ushers in familiar autumn routines: children return to school, classes begin on-campus, we see all of our colleagues back at work, we look forward to fall events and the NFL season kicks off! We give thanks that this year we have more confidence that life will continue without great disruptions due to COVID. We continue to pray though for protection from this disease and for good outcomes for those who catch the virus. We are not 100% clear of this. Still what a difference a year makes.

August 31 – As We Move Into September…
Some questions posed by our CBOQ church support team:
As churches get back into the flow of meeting in person again,
What are the essentials about our gatherings that we best not forget.
Why do we meet?
Is there something that belonging enables us to become more like Christ?
Where does mission fit into our ethos and practice as we gather?
What is the Holy Spirit seeking to do among us?

August 27 – We’re Back in the Main Sanctuary!!
We have moved our in-person service with live casting to our main sanctuary. We feel ready now. We have moved many times during this pandemic journey and we hope this will be our last. Until further notice, if you are attending in-person we need to keep wearing masks indoors and have taken two vaccine doses. You can follow us on-line from our YouTube channel.

August 2 – Midsummer Thanksgiving
Before the pandemic, one of the criticisms I often heard was how it was hard to get to know people at church. It can be like boarding a plane: you can strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger, or it’s them who takes the initiative to talk to you. If that doesn’t happen before the plane takes off, we can end up spending the whole flight saying nothing else other than “Excuse me, I need to use the restroom” or “Could you pass me my tray? Thanks”