September 9 – Leading into Autumn
Hello Friends,
For many of us, the start of September ushers in familiar autumn routines: children return to school, classes begin on-campus, we see all of our colleagues back at work, we look forward to fall events and the NFL season kicks off! We give thanks that this year we have more confidence that life will continue without great disruptions due to COVID. We continue to pray though for protection from this disease and for good outcomes for those who catch the virus. We are not 100% clear of this. Still what a difference a year makes.
This Sunday we have Chunlun Chan preaching. I’ve always been glad to have members of TCBC provide support on the Sunday teaching.
We also begin our hybrid Sunday Bible class. We will be tackling the topic of Faith and Work starting with an introduction from the life of Daniel and moving onto a study of Ecclessiastes. You do not have to come in-person to join as we will be simultaneously holding the class over Zoom.
Here is the link we will use:
Topic: TCBC English Bible Class
Time: Every Sunday starting Sept 11, 11:30AM TO 12:30PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 895 8093 4192
Passcode: FaithWork
You will have to join in-person though if you want to join in our Sunday gym activities. The Chinese Presbyterian Church shares their gym with us every Sunday afternoon. Our September Schedule is as follows:
Sept 11 – Volleyball (co-ed, full court)
Sept 18 – Basketball (half-court for beginner and advanced players)
Sept 25 – Badminton (requires pre-registration, please ask to be put on distribution list)
We are also looking for volunteers to join our kitchen team preparing boxed dinner for those in need at 40 Oak St.
Date is Saturday Sept. 24 and we will be cooking and packing meals from 3pm to 6pm. Let us know if you wish to help out.
What’s next?
Zoom bible study groups start up (visit our website for updates)
Restart of coffee after service in October (right now we visit with each other outdoors taking advantage of the great weather)
Youth Alpha discussion series for students in high school and university
Thank you for all your support!
Pastor Nolan Lee