What's new in 2024

To my English Ministry Friends and Family,

I trust everyone has enjoyed a break from the regular set of routines, workplace chores and daily demands. I was passing by a neighbour on the street today and we had a short conversation. She had her two sons, their two families and the parents of their wives over for Christmas. It was amazing and amazingly stressful at the same time! If that’s how you feel than my hope is that the final days of 2023 will allow you to rest and recuperate.

This Sunday we have a post Christmas story, Simeon’s Recognition of the Messiah, woven together with Psalm 103 “Praise the Lord, my soul;…” Then in January we launch into a long series reading from Genesis 37 to Exodus 20. Two rescuers of Israel: Joseph and Moses, play key roles in saving the family of Israel. Still, they are servants who enact God’s salvation plan. To provide background to the Genesis-Exodus story, we will be studying Genesis 1-11 in our Sunday class time and having conversations about Creation, Origins, and Identity. This time both the youth and adult classes will be studying the same Biblical texts.

Also new will be a monthly Marriage workshop taught by Mary Leung. This will take place Sundays starting at 11:30am (with food provided to extend discussion time). This monthly coaching session is intended to refine and strength couples who are looking towards marriage or currently married. All ages and stages are invited. However, class will be available in-person only.

Our sports ministry breaks forward into Volleyball and Basketball. We have a TDSB gym booked Saturday mornings from 10am to 12noon. So, if you want to join in and improve your teamwork, you can send an email to Tim at tckooll@hotmail.com to find out how to register. Sunday badminton continues every Sunday at CPC gym (SE corner of Baldwin and Beverley St., enter through parking lot doors)

Finally, I am introducing two new classes in 2024: Freedom in Christ and Freed to Lead. Freedom in Christ is a core discipleship class and is meant for everyone. FiC is all about letting God’s Word penetrate into our heart so that we can overcome the limiting believes that get in the way of God’s plan for us. Some of these beliefs are familiar to you already: “I’m alone in the world”, “Nobody would accept me if they knew who I really am inside”, “I can’t resist temptation”, “It doesn’t matter what I think”, etc. I plan to start the FiC course in the last week of January and aim to find a time that’s convenient to those interested in attending.

If I don’t see you on Dec. 31 or sooner have a Blessed started to the New Year.

Learning with you,

Pastor Nolan


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Thank you and Merry Christmas