February is Here
Hello Friends,
The challenge in February is to maintain a positive mood and fight the impulse to hibernate. The good thing is that there are always ways to connect with others and stay active.
1. Superbowl Easter Eggs
During the Super Bowl, He Gets Us will be showing two separate ads around the theme of “The Third Way.” These Super Bowl spots entertain these two sides of our relationships–the simple kindness of children, and when spurred by disagreement, the jaded anger of adults. Look out for them and, if you are watching the game with friends, start a conversation.
2. Family Day Free Skate and Potluck
Click on the link to let us know if you plan to join our Family Day Free Skate and Potluck. Share this link with your friends. Both the skating and dinner are meant to foster fun and connections.
3. Sunday Afternoon Sports
Runs from 1 to 3pm at Chinese Presbyterian Church Gym (corner of Beverley and Baldwin St., enter through gym doors on Baldwin). This is a joint effort between TCBC and CPC. For February we have: Volleyball (Feb 5 & 26), Basketball (Feb 12), Badminton (Feb 19). Only Badminton requires pre-registration. Just drop in and bring your friends for basketball and volleyball.
4. Join us for worship and learn with others.
The most important reason for gathering is for worship and to encourage each other to keep our relationship with God strong and vibrant. Consider joining our Sunday Bible Class or one of our small groups. You can email me at nlee@tcbc.on.ca or the English Ministry at em@tcbc.on.ca to find out about the groups that are running. You can also check out our TCBC English congregation links which provides a quick view of what’s going on.
Hope you can connect with others in the month ahead!
Pastor Nolan