Easter Ushers In A New Season Of Life

Hey Friends,

I am so thankful for the Good Friday and Easter Sunday worship over the past weekend. Praise the lord that we had six people baptized in our English Worship service on Sunday. Reading their testimonies was an awesome reminder of how God has been quietly at work giving life to our congregation and blessing me personally.

At the nearby high school there is a sign for an upcoming Community Environmental Day. You may have one coming up in your area. This is when you can drop off electronic and hazardous waste. (I’ve got an old laptop that clunked out on me years ago, some old paint cans and waste cooking oil.) You can also donate items such as sports equipment, book, clothing, instruments, and games for reuse. It’s a reminder to me to take the time to collect stuff that’s of no use to me but taking up space in my house.

It’s also a reminder for me to do a spiritual clean up: sorting out priorities and getting rid of accumulated spiritual junk and emotional garbage in order to have more space for the things that matter.

For those in a committed relationship, may I suggest making it a priority to attend our workshops on relating to one another as couples.

Mary Leung will bring two sessions on consecutive sessions to spark conversation and to help us resolve on-going frictions.

Both sessions will be held during our Sunday Class time starting at 11:30am.

April 21: Differences between Male and Female

April 28: Handling Conflicts as a Couple

Also in April, we are having a joint fellowship night on Friday April 19. We will be hearing from Rev. Joseph Mok’s about his experience with reaching out with Christ’s love to people involved in Hong Kong’s organized crime societies. Come with an open heart to hear of God’s work in Hong Kong and to be inspired to see new opportunities to reach the people in our city.

There is no better time to initiate positive change than at the start of a new season. As a church, we are here to support your spiritual growth.

In Christ,

Pastor Nolan


As We Move Into Spring…


Good Friday Service